Celsius and Kelvin

Basic information and conversion. You may also find useful Ferinheight to Celsius conversion site.

About Kelvin and Celsius scales

Kelvin is the absolute temperature scale with positive values only, with 0 K corresponding to the absolute zero temperature. The Celsius scale, on the other hand, is referenced to the freezing and boiling points of water (at standard atmospheric pressure). Here you can do conversions between degrees Celsius and the absolute Kelvin temperature.

Celsius (°C) Kelvin (K)

Conversion formula

Celsius (t[C]) and Kelvin (T[K]) conversion is based on a simple addition/subtraction:

t[K] = t[C] + 273.15

Here the additive factor adjusts for the difference between zero levels of the scales.

Conversion chart

Look up a conversion table to see Celsius and Kelvin temperature values side-by-side.

Conversion table

You can also easily convert temperature values from the Fahrenheit scale:

Kelvin to Fahrenheit